I'll admit that I was suffering from motherguilt because I had never taken Che to the dentist. Motherguilt has incredible power; it makes me ponder my choices, it keeps me on my toes. Sometimes it makes me really organised, organised enough to make an appointment with the dentist and keep it. Daniel and I had been talking about the dentist with Che quite regularly - how important it is to get check-ups to ensure your teeth stay strong and healthy. His one question was: "After we go to the dentist, can we get ice-cream?" Our response: "Ice-cream goes against everything the dentist stands for."
I was a little apprehensive and envisioned a writhing, unhappy three-year-old clenching his teeth together. The book in the reception area helped - the story of a young boy who opens his mouth wide so the dentist can count all his teeth! As soon as Che hopped on that mechanical chair his mouth was open - he was eager and waiting. I was pleasantly in awe. He has twenty teeth, thinks the cleaning paste is 'yucky' and only had trouble keeping his mouth open when he was giggling so hard the dentist has to take the utensils out of his mouth.
I squeezed a check-up in straight after - still no fillings! But...I was asked, politely, if I tend to clench my teeth sometimes. "It's just that there's a bit of wear on the front teeth," she explained to me. I was lying there, thinking about all those times where as a mum I get so frustrated that I clench - and hard. "Yes," I admitted. "I do...and how bad is that - for my teeth and my parenting." Oh motherguilt, you're still there, even after the dentist.
Mother guilt is phenomenal isn't it? I had no idea pre-children that it existed! x
ReplyDeleteMother guilt is always present!! I can't seem to escape it...from what he eats throughout the day to how much the tv might be on when it's raining...to, 'oh my goodness, when did we last brush his teeth!?'
ReplyDeleteNot a mom yet but I can already see things when I start to think about how I'd like to handle certain situations.
ReplyDeleteYou should be proud of clenching your teeth rather than something else. Motherguilt be gone.
ReplyDeleteYou did very well and so did he by the looks of it. I haven't taken my son yet to the dentist. I'm sure he won't be as willing as your little one :)
ReplyDeletehand that motherguilt baton onto me. we are yet to do the dentist thing with aila.
che che ~ you big brave boy.
You're a good girl making and taking that appointment. Now my own mother guilt has just experienced a massive spike... I have not yet taken my 3 year old to the dentist :o/
ReplyDeleteWe clean every day though... alright... I need to hop on it and take him!
He looks so grown up in the dentist glasses. That is so funny your mention clenching your teeth. I do exactly the same in moments of pure frustration!
ReplyDeleteAh ... mother guilt ... lol ... from 1 teeth clenching momma to another :)))
ReplyDeleteYou know what helps with motherguilt? Ice cream.
ReplyDeleteMotherguilt, i'm taking notes! Che's first dentist appointment, how exciting. I just adore his name :)
ReplyDeleteaway with motherguilt! you know that each child brings with it a million more opportunities for guilt... i like to think that god or the guru or the earth mama is watching me with the eyes of a kind parent and forgivng me instantly for everything i do that is "wrong." just like i would forgive one of my own children.
ReplyDeleteche looks way cute in the chair x
That first picture is too cute. Could he open his mouth any wider?
ReplyDeletex claire
i have mother guilt for my dog!! i can only imagine how much worse it will get when i'm a parent.
ReplyDeletemother guilt ... stays with you forever no matter how big the kids are! .... ask your Mum! Love to all xx