not even this mouse. In our house. I had to get him. Fell in love really. As soon as I looked up to those high out-of-reach shelves and saw him perched there all lonesome I just knew he needed to come home with us. A Christmas mouse, red scarf 'n all who will probably stay out to play all year round.
I have bought and I have baked, wrapped and tied ribbon, written greetings and well wishes on cards. All without too much fuss and not much stress. There's a few more batches of iced jumbles to make, a few more sweet spiced nuts to create. And then...?
We'll drop gifts and cards onto doorsteps, post parcels on their way, celebrate the Solstice and begin to slow down and chill a bit while we wait for the magic of Christmas Eve. I love the Eve, I do I do.

The "sweet spiced nuts" recipe came from the latest edition of
Kindred magazine. It is so wonderfully easy to make (perfect to do with children) and so very yummy (with a little bit of
this and a sip of tea you may just find yourself in bliss).
All you need is 200grams of raw nuts & seeds (I used cashews, almonds, pepitas and sunflower seeds), 2 heaped teaspoons of cinnamon, finely grated rind of one orange and 4 tablespoons of honey. Mix together, place on a tray (lined with baking paper) and bake at 180degrees for about 10-15mins.
I hope that you, wherever you are, enjoy the preparing and planning. Because if I've learnt anything this year it's that it's about the journey and not so much the 'big day'. x