This week is rather big for me. Before I birthed Ché I did quite a lot of freelance writing work and I loved it - especially the opportunity it provided to work in my pajamas with a cup of tea beside me. A few weeks ago I decided to call a few magazine publications and inquire about the availability of freelance work. My jaw hit the floor when the director of a successful publishing company phoned me back and offered me two days work a week (one from home) with a nice pay cheque too. Yes, I'll take it.
And it just so happens that all of the staff members are female and mothers. I don't really know how it came to be that I found a job so perfect for me and even stranger is why I'm absolutely filled with fear about starting. I go in to the office for the first time this Friday and although the editor has emailed me to say she is so excited to meet me and has some fun and interesting work for me to do I'm still concerned.
I think most of my concern lies in the actual change it has created to our family life. It's good change, I realise that, but it's still a shift in our rhythm and it's taking me a while to adjust. I suppose I'm overwhelmed by the fact that it's another hat I'm popping on my head - muma, partner, cleaner, cook, yoga teacher, birth educator, writer/journalist. Phew. It's big. What is most crazy is that I've been cleaning out cupboards because for some reason I think I'll have absolutely no time to do things like that. It's extreme I know but I feel like it needs to be done. I'm trying to simplify everything around me (including this blog - note I'm back to two-columns and successfully navigated html) in the hope that my head-space will be clearer and calmer as a result. What is most special about this change is that Fridays, when I'm in Sydney, Daniel and Ché will have their time. A day all to themselves. I'm so excited for them and can't wait to hear tales of their adventures.
I suppose this change also comes as a shock because Ché is getting so much bigger. And it's so sad. I say that with a smile on my face. That photo above was taken this morning - reading in the sun spot before heading off to his first day at Montessori prep-program. You're probably a little confused as to why he is going to Montessori when I've spoken so much about Steiner. Daniel and I have explored both philosophies and what's most important to us it that he is under the care of people that we respect and trust. The couple who run the local Montessori school are absolutely delightful and are so so beautiful with Ché. They have just built a new classroom for the 3-6 age group and are working on the 6-9 room soon. For us it seems like the best decision - knowing that Ché can learn and grow in a space that he is comfortable in. A small space for our little one.
Our little boy who played his ukelele the other day and sang these words:
"Happy boy, happy boy, happy happy boy, happy boy."
So many of you have emailed me your postal address because you want a copy of Stephanie's article. If you are interested but haven't emailed me then please do so - jodiclairewilson (at) yahoo (dot) com (dot) au