Working from home is both wonderful and challenging. I've never had to refuse Poet a breastfeed but sometimes her consistent moans for Muma cease work a little early. Hence I don't work a 9-5 day. Sometimes I get up an hour or so before the sun and I write in the peace that is the early morning. This, for me, is a really productive time. Lately, I've finished work at 1pm and recommenced at 7.30pm when the house is once again quiet. In between magazine articles, research and emails I sip tea made by Daniel and have lunch with the family. I have learnt to never, ever attempt coherent sentences between the hours of 4-6pm (gosh, such a challenging time).
Like all creatives I find that sometimes the words flow and at other times I can spend an hour
When you work from home work is always there.
I write three-six months in advance for a variety of publications - bridal, health, kids, travel and only occasionally do I grab the magazines and read my stories in print. That's why I love blogging so much, it's instant publication that often prompts immediate feedback.
For about a year now I have considered adding some sponsorship to my sidebar. I'm an absolute procrastinator so I have seriously gone back and forth, mulling over whether I should or shouldn't. But then I realised that I have the opportunity to support fellow creatives and promote their good work. In turn, they support my art and my family.
And so you will see, on the sidebar, a few gorgeous ads. And you will only ever see ads that are promoting people who share very similar values to me - who believe wholeheartedly in the beauty and goodness of creativity, sustainability and, often, handmade. If you are interested in sponsorship, of course, I'd be happy to chat with you over email.
While I would like to stay here all day, writing without the pressure of promised editorial or looming deadline, there is a long list of stories awaiting their first sentence.
Happy Friday!
The big white trestle table is where I work. Photo by the new dad!