This week is rather big for me. Before I birthed Ché I did quite a lot of freelance writing work and I loved it - especially the opportunity it provided to work in my pajamas with a cup of tea beside me. A few weeks ago I decided to call a few magazine publications and inquire about the availability of freelance work. My jaw hit the floor when the director of a successful publishing company phoned me back and offered me two days work a week (one from home) with a nice pay cheque too. Yes, I'll take it.
And it just so happens that all of the staff members are female and mothers. I don't really know how it came to be that I found a job so perfect for me and even stranger is why I'm absolutely filled with fear about starting. I go in to the office for the first time this Friday and although the editor has emailed me to say she is so excited to meet me and has some fun and interesting work for me to do I'm still concerned.
I think most of my concern lies in the actual change it has created to our family life. It's good change, I realise that, but it's still a shift in our rhythm and it's taking me a while to adjust. I suppose I'm overwhelmed by the fact that it's another hat I'm popping on my head - muma, partner, cleaner, cook, yoga teacher, birth educator, writer/journalist. Phew. It's big. What is most crazy is that I've been cleaning out cupboards because for some reason I think I'll have absolutely no time to do things like that. It's extreme I know but I feel like it needs to be done. I'm trying to simplify everything around me (including this blog - note I'm back to two-columns and successfully navigated html) in the hope that my head-space will be clearer and calmer as a result. What is most special about this change is that Fridays, when I'm in Sydney, Daniel and Ché will have their time. A day all to themselves. I'm so excited for them and can't wait to hear tales of their adventures.
I suppose this change also comes as a shock because Ché is getting so much bigger. And it's so sad. I say that with a smile on my face. That photo above was taken this morning - reading in the sun spot before heading off to his first day at Montessori prep-program. You're probably a little confused as to why he is going to Montessori when I've spoken so much about Steiner. Daniel and I have explored both philosophies and what's most important to us it that he is under the care of people that we respect and trust. The couple who run the local Montessori school are absolutely delightful and are so so beautiful with Ché. They have just built a new classroom for the 3-6 age group and are working on the 6-9 room soon. For us it seems like the best decision - knowing that Ché can learn and grow in a space that he is comfortable in. A small space for our little one.
Our little boy who played his ukelele the other day and sang these words:
"Happy boy, happy boy, happy happy boy, happy boy."
So many of you have emailed me your postal address because you want a copy of Stephanie's article. If you are interested but haven't emailed me then please do so - jodiclairewilson (at) yahoo (dot) com (dot) au
Congratulations, Jodi. This sounds like a lot of new and exciting changes for you and your family. I also really love the new blog layout, it's very simple.
ReplyDeleteI went to a Montessori school for a year when I was little. I was very young but I still remember how amazing it was. It's a great place to develop children's creativity. You're making a great choice!
Can you email me your address about that tote? auramobile@cox.net
congrats on the change...a big & important step. sounds like a dream job! So funny to read your post today because we just toured a montessori school in our area and loved it! we, too, love waldorf ideals and willcontinue to follow those at home....but in terms what is right for him at this moment, we are leaning toward montessori....
ReplyDeletebest wishes!
good luck jodi, it sounds perfect. I think going back to work after having kids is one the hardest decisions a mamma has to make. Not only are you letting go of your baby (just a little bit), but also stepping back into the big wide world can be so daunting. Once you get into the swing of it you'll be fine, and you'll probably really enjoy that little bit of head space (not to mention adult interaction!!). Can you tell I'm just a little envious?!! xx
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your blog. I like to come here because it makes me feel more calm and positive about everything in life; and I think its due to your ability to appreciate the smallest things and recount them in the most delightful way. Your family sounds beautiful, and I'm happy for every opportunity that comes your way - because you deserve it :) keep writing, because you are good at it.
ReplyDeleteSounds like the perfect gig Jodi. I'm sure the boys will love having some time together too!
ReplyDeleteLook forward to hearing about your Montessori experience and how it compares to Steiner.
Best wishes for Friday!!
Congratulations! I absolutely know why they want you... you're talents shine through in everything.
ReplyDeleteVery much looking forward to your take on Montessori.
Wait until your little boy is 5 and heading off to Prep - sad and happy at the same time! Such a precious gift. As for schooling, I think it is such a personal thing that is really a decision that you have to make in the moment.
ReplyDeleteGood luck on Friday, I am sure it will be great in so many ways once the crazy nervousness wave has passed
It really does sound like a great job Jodi. I can understand you feeling nervous about the extra hat, but don't be afraid about Friday. You are a beautiful writer and you'll do great.
ReplyDeleteI love Che's ukulele song. What a sweet, sweet child. xxx
I have only just begun reading your blog, and I just want to say congratulations. Such a beautiful photo, too. My daughter is only eight months old, so I'm a ways away from having to decide which schooling option will be best for her. Montesorri is one option, though I'm also just beginning to learn about unschooling. I teach a couple of classes a week at a university, and though it's tough sometimes, I always find a way to make it work. As long as I have a little bit of time each day for me, I'm okay :).
ReplyDeleteCongrats Jodi - what a perfect outcome for you all. Working from home is great but being able to have one day in the office will be a lovely change. And so nice for Che and his Papa. We know some people at Che's new school and they love it. We thought about it too but a little too far from home, especially when there will be a baby to load in and out of the car... It's such a difficult choice (schooling) and one we are still grappling with.
oh my goodness- so much change!! Congratulations on your job- what an exciting opportunity for you. It's sooo normal to be nervous... and cleaning like crazy. I always reorganize/clean under stress, it relieves tension in a weird way. Sounds like you've found a wonderful little environment for Che. Don't worry about the clothing- you have so much on your plate so take your time! Finally, do you know i have tried to subscribe to your feed via email like 5 times and it won't let me!! It's so frustrating! I have to keep reminding myself to visit you in case you've put a new entry up. These funny things called computers!! xo m.
ReplyDeleteOh this is so good. Sending you lovely thoughts as this new change surrounds you. We had a hard time deciding between Steiner and Montessori, but in the end we choose Montessori and have loved it. We are in three years of it and oh my is Quinn blooming in it. We still use a lot of Steiner in our home life and I find the two mesh pretty well.