I remember so vividly how, as a child, time passed so painfully slow in the lead-up to Christmas. There just wasn't a task exciting enough to make the countdown go any quicker. Che got so frustrated the other day because I was busy working and Daniel was catching up on the washing. From the office I heard him exclaim: "I just want to do Christmas craft with my parents!"
Oh the guilt! A Merry Christmas sign now graces our front door (complete with cut-out bubble writing and gold stars).
In the next few days we'll be:
- making choc-chip cookies for Santa
- drawing on the driveway with chalk (so the reindeer have pretty pictures to look at while they wait for Santa)
- wrapping presents (trying not to peek at those already under the tree)
- marvelling at the cuteness that is Poet in her cot (she's in there for day sleeps only)
- discussing the importance of sleep on Christmas Eve
- pondering 2012 and its possibilities (I'm so excited about the possibilities)
But I think, what's most important at this time of year, is gratitude. For what we've got, where we live and who we are.
This Christmas I'm grateful for:
- last Christmas and the exquisite feeling that is new life within
- Che's wonderfully nurturing and exciting year at Montessori
- Getting through a heatwave without too much fuss..and the lazy beach days afterwards
- shopping and eating with a frugavorian-awareness
- baring my belly at 22weeks
- that leap of faith and then...dreams realised
- birthdays, lighthouses and the wonderful feeling that is pure health
- preparing che for the greatest change in his life so far
- my angel of a midwife
- daniel's ability to capture life on film (this film makes me cry, every time)
- winter - the cosy season that was perfect for a babymoon
- those beautiful days before birth
- photojournalism - the 3.5 of us
- the waiting
- p.s.
- the newborn haze
- finding new rhythm
- tear-inducing portraits
- our home - its simplicity, comfort and space
- exciting adventures
- growing green dreams
- the blessing of children
- my baby - the giggles, chubby rolls, extra-special cuddles
- our local
Thank you for visiting me here this year. So many new faces, so many beautiful words. Especially the encouragement before Poet's arrival, the sweet blessings after her birth. I really value each and every comment that you leave. This community is a passionate, creative, comforting one - full of wise words and, when needed, expert style/interior design/recipe advice. I'm really happy here...
May your Christmas be a safe and joyous one. And let's bring in the New Year with open hearts.
See you soon.
Jodi x
I might just add that half-way through writing this post I was interrupted by a vomiting Che and a crying/hungry Poet. Life with kids.