Monday, December 5, 2011

blue, white, red (stripes)

Che celebrated his school's annual Cultural Day on Saturday. Paying homage to Europe and all its rich offerings we had to dress as natives of our favourite European country. Considering the plethora of stripes in our wardrobes (washing basket) and my penchant for brie and baguettes, we opted for France, naturally. Bonjour!

I found the carpet in Che's room today and Poet looked on as I fumbled my way through paper/sticky tape creations, books and toys. I stopped for a few moments here and there to watch her discover her feet and realised that pom poms on booties make the best kind of toy (for a four-month-old). Regardless of her current sniffly nose she's still guzzling down the milk - and it's going straight to her cheeks. Seriously, those cheeks - you actually sink into them when you kiss them. I don't kiss, I smooch.

I love the rights that come with being the Muma. Smooches and eyeliner moustaches.


  1. I can definitely relate to the smooching. Am yet to use my eye liner for anything that creative and fun.

  2. Jodi .. your kids are gorgeous.
    Che looks fantastic and your very right when you say Poets checks are smoochable.

  3. magnifique ;)

    chubba cheeks, mustaches, pom poms, stripes. What's not to love?

  4. Trop mignon! They are both soooo cute xxx

  5. Love it all. Che in his Salts and moustache and Poet in her pompoms (as you know, i'm a fan) and matching cardi.

    And those cheeks....! xx

  6. Oh, my. I miss those 4-month old days.

  7. La France est un excellent choix! ;-)

    NOTHING beats the privilege of kissing your children's cheeks, feet, nape, hands, etc..... Keep those mothering hormones flourishing.

  8. oh, so cute. Definitely france for us too! Isn't it strange to be wearing winter woolies in december? We had a the fire going the other night...and runny noses are around here too. xx

  9. Oh yes to the muma smooches! It comes with the territory :)

  10. Funnily enough at our local just-opened restaurant there was a young man with an impeccable, real, curly moustache...very much like your mascara one! It is the first real one I have ever seen like that.

  11. bonjour che'! He looks amazing....! x

  12. Am I being too much of a knitting nerd to ask if that's a handknit on Poet (Debbie Bliss? Moss stitch jacket? Looks familiar!) Gorgeous colour. x

  13. Che looks super duper French. Poet is as divine as ever and looking so much bigger! xx

  14. this eyeliner moustache is just sooo adorable! lovig it!!

  15. Hello,just stopping in to say 'hi'...I've been lurking for a little while, your blog is beautiful - photos : stunning!
