- "Conscious Conception"
- "Preparing for a VBAC"
- "Letting go of Fear"
- "Preparing for a Homebirth"
- "Surrender"
- "Making Space and Being Calm"
- "Preparing for a Caesarian Birth"
Tomorrow I'll be posting about a topic that, it seems, will resonate with many of you. "Making Peace with Birth" will include a little discussion from me accompanied by the courageous and gracious story of one of my beautiful students, Bee. Her story is an unforgettable one.
If you are reading this and would like to ask me a question, please go ahead. I'll add it to the list!
Now is a good time to mention that I am not a midwife, a medical practitioner or a birth educator. I'm a yoga teacher, mother and journalist. These stories are informed by my own experiences, research and the blessing that has been the meeting, teaching and learning from my pre-natal students.
Till tomorrow...
Photo by Daniel Grey
What a fantastic idea, I look forward to reading these posts. My family is now complete, so my question relates to the beyond years. With 3 littles 4 and under my days can be chaotic. What would be your best quick poses to calm, ground and centre when required?
ReplyDeleteThanks, Mili x
I'd be interested to know some more about your parenting philosophy, books that inspire, tips for teaching right from wrong, things you do to inspire creative play and thinking. I guess the part beyond birth and the heady days of early life. Congrats on your gorgeous little girl
ReplyDeleteJodi I think this will be a fantastic series :)
ReplyDeleteI have a ? in regards to Yoga in general. I am currently working with a Naturopath to get my blood pressure under control..I have been medicated for a year now with no improvement and my Naturopath thinks it's due to stress and has recommended Yoga...though never havin tried it before I don't know where to start. Any suggestions?
I am expected to have my Vbac any day now (due date is tomorrow!) so it would have been great to read more about how to prepare for it...but regardless of myself, I think many women could benefit from this, it's a great idea!
ReplyDeleteI have just started trying to concieve our first baby so any advice on this time will be welcome. I already go to yoga classes a couple of times a week & i hope this will help me in some way. I have already seen quite a few friends struggle with infertility & i am only 30 & i am worried about how long it might take to get pregnant. I hope to attend your birth preperation classes if they are still running when the time comes.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like great little series! Looking forward to the VBAC one, will come in handy in the future xxx
ReplyDeleteooooo...can't wait xxxxx
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely idea - I will be interested in all,and just wanted to say from personal experience IT is possible to have a conscious, spiritial c-section - that's exactly what mine was (not planned, but not emergency either, I did go into labour but for health reasons, it ended up being a c-section)- I managed to stay focussed and present by centering and meditating through the whole experience and it was amazing - and so was my connection with my son, who was very healthy and my own recovery. I definitely believe in all women making their own, best informed and educated choices for birth - but I also wanted to put this forward as I see SO much guilt/fear that some women have over c-sections, which is needless. Birth is about surrender and letting go...and that comes in many forms. Look forward to your pots x
ReplyDeleteOh just when I thought I couldn't enjoy reading your blog more than I already do! As I gently edge closer to meeting my little one, I will really enjoy reading your thoughts and insights xx
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to hearing more about Yoga and birth in general. Any insight into homebirth too would be extremely helpful. Homebirth would be my ideal birth for my second child, however I'm afraid I won't be able to manage the pain or that something medically would happen and we wouldn't be near a hospital...
ReplyDeleteI guess letting go of fear would be helpful, too ;)
ha ha.
Love the blog, big hugs here from Chicago.
I'm Doula and Birth Educator, and I'm very much looking forward to reading these posts Jodi.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your wisdom.
Oh, and I'm also with redrosiejo, I'd love to hear more about the parenting stuff and how that works for your family.
Is it true that one should avoid inversions while pregnant?
ReplyDeleteCannot wait to read this series Jodi. My last pregnancy, finding yoga, doing your classes, my beautiful baby girl's birth- best.time.of.my.life. So much joy. I'd love to see something for the partners- especially those who (like mine) don't really 'get' the yoga thing but are totally supportive and want to help (I took some garbage out last week to find hubby telling neighbor's hubby about the buzzing bee breath, I was in giggles for ages!)