Thursday, January 22, 2009

here comes the sun

and it's beating bright. I feel the roses whose petals fell days ago. It's unending and fierce, this heat. The fan whirls all day, it's constant rhythm lulling us as we sleep all through the night. Melon seeds attract the ants, iced water is our drink of choice. We'd like to spend all day in the ocean, the cool water calming us. But our sun, it's just so hot, for anyone, especially precious baby skin. We talk, to strangers, about this heat. "When is it going to end?" we ask.

All we want is a storm that clears the air and a breeze to cool us down.

This summer, that took so long to come, is now here with vengeance. We sweat when we are still, we feel weary and tired and we wonder when those clouds will bundle up and come our way.

We could call to them, or rain dance...but it's too hot for that. Instead we take cool showers, seek refuge in air conditioned shops and eat our way through cold summer fruits and ice blocks a plenty.

This summer, it begun, with cicada's song. And I can hear the song now, that sound it represents heat - to me. Here comes the do do do, here comes the sun and I's alright.


  1. poor you all. i hope you get a litle relief soon. but i imagine eating cold goodies is helping out some:)

  2. WOW - I can't imagine what that feels like right now!It's cold here and nose's are running!

  3. Ah yes, we have that here. Months of it. Now it's been raining or days, and the ights are crisp and cold.

  4. It can be draining can't it. Cold showers work wonders! And a running hose in the garden for the little one. I must admit though I so prefer the heat over the cold, can't stand being cold.
    Hope you catch that breeze. :)

  5. Oh, it's been so cold here and we still have a couple months of winter left. What I wouldn't give for the feeling of warm sunlight on my skin!

  6. Sounds about like our summers. Funny thing is that we're in the midst of winter here and wishing for some relief from the cold. :)

  7. What a beautiful blog you have!

  8. Oh yes same up in these northern parts....
    by the favourite Nina Simone song....thanks for placing it gently in my mind.....

  9. thank you for commenting on my blog - i have really enjoyed finding your gorgeous nook here on the www. you write beautifully - its so nice to discover other mums tinkering and being passionate about similar things to me (i had two natural births). looking forward to poping back and seeing what u guys get up to during this heatwave.

    am addng you to my links x

  10. what a wonderful blog you have........ so nice pictures!

  11. Oh wow, wasn't yesterday hot. I couldn't face being on the beach. The tiles on our veranda were so hot and I knew the sand would be too. The heat wilted away any chance of a barbecue. We don't have aircon at home - fans yes and it's usually enough. We had families with small children coming so called people and said we'll do it another day. As it turned out today would have been a good day for a barbecue but we'd stuffed about too much already. Life's like that isn't it. As it turned out a few family irritations would have made today tricky and it was probably a good thing we didn't go ahead. We'll try again and hope the stars align for all to go well.

  12. when i read the title i started humming... when i got to the end- i smiled knowingly... its a song my husband & i sing often on our 120 degree blistering days... since im reading backwards- i know you have gotten relief... heres sending more breezy wishes.
