In a rather serendipitous series of events
Daniel and I managed to spend a night in Sydney together.
As a couple.
For the first time since Ché was born (exactly two-and-a-half years ago today).
We really needed the time to be just the two of us
Time to talk and read and drink coffee (I had a really good Sydney cap and it was well worth it)
without being interrupted by the need to negotiate
with our beautiful toddler.
Negotiate being the operative word.
A conversation instead of a debate would be lovely.
We shopped and moseyed about the city and ate a beautiful dinner.
We shared our balcony with a tree whose trunk was slowly darkening with the drizzle of rain
and we slept in till 8 and read the paper with breakfast.
Now we're home and listening to the rain pound on the roof;
thankful for the opportunity to snuggle in bed
because Autumn is here.
Hello autumn.
I love you.
I love you too.